Privacy Implications of Windows 10 Telemetry, Part 4: Processing of Raw Traffic Dumps

Windows 10 telemetry traffic collection experiment is over. We have collected 55,945,178,210 bytes of data, which was recorded continuously during 346 days, from 2017-02-15 to 2018-01-27.

Let’s discuss tools and scripts we need to extract useful statistics from these raw dumps of traffic. We will rely on tcpdump builtin filtering packets, and also on standard grep, sed and awk UNIX tools for processing text information extracted from these packets.



Wireshark is very useful on Windows to analyze small traffic dumps, it has command-line tools as well. Downside of Wireshark is memory-hungriness, it’s almost impossible to analyze large (> 8Gb) traffic dumps even on the powerful workstation with 64 Gb of RAM.

Nevertheless, Wireshark has a useful tool to merge .pcap files, so let’s install it on the server:

# pkg install wireshark



If there are .pcap files with incomplete/truncated packets at the end (due to server power loss, unscheduled reboots etc), they can be fixed in such way (tcpdump -r <input_file> -w <output_file>):

# tcpdump -r traffic.pcap.1 -w traffic-01.pcap
# tcpdump -r traffic.pcap.2 -w traffic-02.pcap
# tcpdump -r traffic.pcap.12 -w traffic-12.pcap

Then multiple .pcap files can be merged with mergecap tool from Wireshark toolset. Unlike other Wireshark tools, mergecap is not memory hungry:

# mergecap -w all.pcap traffic-01.pcap traffic-02.pcap traffic-03.pcap \
       traffic-04.pcap traffic-05.pcap traffic-06.pcap traffic-07.pcap \
       traffic-08.pcap traffic-09.pcap traffic-10.pcap traffic-11.pcap \

Cleaning up:

# rm traffic.pcap.*
# rm traffic-*.pcap


Counting inbound and outbound traffic

The following commands can be used to split inbound and outbound traffic:

# tcpdump -r all.pcap -w inbound_only.pcap \
  '(dst net 172.21.97) and \
   (not(dst host and (not(dst host'
# tcpdump -r all.pcap -w outbound_only.pcap \
  '(src net 172.21.97) and \
   (not(src host and (not(src host'

.pcap files produced by tcpdump have 24-byte header, so sizes of resulting files inbound_only.pcap and outbound_only.pcap (less 24 bytes) can be used to estimate percentage of inbound and outbound traffic.


Splitting traffic by protocol type

.pcap files can be split further by protocol type (dns, http, https, everything else).

Splitting Windows 10 outbound telemetry traffic by protocol type (tcp[2] + tcp[3] · 256 is a destination TCP port number, udp[2] + udp[3] · 256 is a destination UDP port number):

# tcpdump -r outbound_only.pcap -w outbound_https.pcap \
    '((tcp[2] == 1)and(tcp[3] == 0xBB))'
# tcpdump -r outbound_only.pcap -w outbound_http.pcap \
    '((tcp[2] == 0)and(tcp[3] == 80))'
# tcpdump -r outbound_only.pcap -w outbound_dns.pcap \
    '((udp[2] == 0)and(udp[3] == 53))'
# tcpdump -r outbound_only.pcap -w outbound_else.pcap \
    'not( ((tcp[2] == 1)and(tcp[3] == 0xBB)) or \
          ((tcp[2] == 0)and(tcp[3] == 80)) or \
          ((udp[2] == 0)and(udp[3] == 53)) )'

Splitting Windows 10 inbound telemetry traffic by protocol type (tcp[0] + tcp[1] · 256 is a source TCP port number, udp[0] + udp[1] · 256 is a source UDP port number):

# tcpdump -r inbound_only.pcap -w inbound_https.pcap \
    '((tcp[0] == 1)and(tcp[1] == 0xBB))'
# tcpdump -r inbound_only.pcap -w inbound_http.pcap \
    '((tcp[0] == 0)and(tcp[1] == 80))'
# tcpdump -r inbound_only.pcap -w inbound_dns.pcap \
    '((udp[0] == 0)and(udp[1] == 53))'
# tcpdump -r inbound_only.pcap -w inbound_else.pcap \
    'not( ((tcp[0] == 1)and(tcp[1] == 0xBB)) or \
          ((tcp[0] == 0)and(tcp[1] == 80)) or \
          ((udp[0] == 0)and(udp[1] == 53)) )'

Sizes of resulting files (less 24 bytes) can be used to estimate percentages of various protocol types in the recorded traffic data.


Timeline derivation

Besides recording and splitting traffic, tcpdump can print summary information for each packet:

14:46:57.786911 IP > 5306+ A? (43)
14:46:57.944420 IP > 5306 4/0/0 CNAME, CNAME, CNAME, A (156)```
14:46:57.966532 IP > Flags [S], seq 2228456890, win 8192, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 8,nop,nop,sackOK], length 0
14:46:58.053248 IP > Flags [S.], seq 1358959154, ack 2228456891, win 29200, options [mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 5], length 0
14:46:58.053374 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 513, length 0
14:46:58.053566 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:325, ack 1, win 513, length 324: HTTP: GET /ppcrlconfig600.bin HTTP/1.0

But this information is overly verbose. Instead, we need brief timeline like this:

DNSQ 5306
DNSR 5306

Brief timeline records should contain DNS requests, DNS responses, and initial (SYN) packets of outbound TCP connections for http and https protocols.

Brief timeline can be derived from raw traffic dump using the following script:

tcpdump -r all.pcap -w dns_and_outbound_http_https_synonly.pcap \
    '(port 53) or ((tcp[2] == 1)and(tcp[3] == 0xBB)and((tcp[13] & 0x12) == 0x02)) or ((tcp[2] == 0)and(tcp[3] == 80)and((tcp[13] & 0x12) == 0x02))'
tcpdump -n -r dns_and_outbound_http_https_synonly.pcap | \
    grep -Eio '(> ([0-9]+\.){4}53: [0-9]+\+ A\? [0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+ )|(([0-9]+\.){4}53 > ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+: [0-9]+ .+A ([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)|(> ([0-9]+\.){4}443: )|(> ([0-9]+\.){4}80: )' | \
    sed -E -e 's|> ([0-9]+\.){4}53: ([0-9]+)\+ A\? ([0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+) |DNSQ \2 \3|g' \
           -e 's|([0-9]+\.){4}53 > ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+: ([0-9]+) .+A (([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)|DNSR \3 \4|g' \
           -e 's|> (([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)\.443: |HTTPS \1|g' \
           -e 's|> (([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)\.80: |HTTP \1|g' > \

Few comments about this script:

  • preliminary filtering is neccessary to throw away all non-DNS and all non-SYN/non-http/non-https TCP packets
  • -n option prevents tcpdump from being slow by resolving all IP addresses via reverse DNS lookup
  • pipeline of grep and sed selects information about relevant packets and rewrites it in compact way, as demonstrated by example above


Timeline postprocessing

DNS queries and responses can be folded for further simplification of the traffic timeline:

# cat timeline_dnsq_dnsr_http_https.txt | \
     awk '{if($1=="DNSQ"){dns[$2]=$3}else if($1=="DNSR"){d=dns[$2];if(d!=""){printf("DNS %s %s\n",d,$3);}}else{print($0);}}' > \

Finally, DNS information can be combined with information about http/https requests:

# cat timeline_dns_http_https.txt | \
     awk '{if($1=="DNS"){dns[$3]=$2;}else{d=dns[$2];if(d!=""){printf("%s %s\n",$1,d);}}}' > \



Report generation

Final reports can be generated using this script:

cat timeline_dns_http_https.txt | grep -F 'DNS ' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_domains.txt
cat timeline_dns_http_https.txt | grep -F 'DNS ' | cut -d\  -f3 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_ips.txt
UNIQUE_IPS=$(cat top_ips.txt | wc -l)
UNIQUE_DOMAINS=$(cat top_domains.txt | wc -l)
echo "Unique IPs / domains:       $UNIQUE_IPS / $UNIQUE_DOMAINS"

cat timeline_dns_http_https.txt | grep -F 'HTTPS ' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_https_ips.txt
cat timeline_http_https.txt | grep -F 'HTTPS ' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_https_domains.txt
UNIQUE_HTTPS_IPS=$(cat top_https_ips.txt | wc -l)
UNIQUE_HTTPS_DOMAINS=$(cat top_https_domains.txt | wc -l)
echo "Unique https IPs / domains: $UNIQUE_HTTPS_IPS / $UNIQUE_HTTPS_DOMAINS"

cat timeline_dns_http_https.txt | grep -F 'HTTP ' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_http_ips.txt
cat timeline_http_https.txt | grep -F 'HTTP ' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort | uniq -c | \
  awk '{printf("%8d %s\n",$1,$2)}' | sort -r > top_http_domains.txt
UNIQUE_HTTP_IPS=$(cat top_http_ips.txt | wc -l)
UNIQUE_HTTP_DOMAINS=$(cat top_http_domains.txt | wc -l)
echo "Unique http IPs / domains:  $UNIQUE_HTTP_IPS / $UNIQUE_HTTP_DOMAINS"


Traffic breakdown by AS (autonomous systems)

Assuming we have IP-to-AS database in ip2as.txt file in the following format:

IP2AS <ip_address_1> <as_number_1>
IP2AS <ip_address_2> <as_number_2>
IP2AS <ip_address_N> <as_number_N>

we can also generate traffic breakdown report by AS numbers. This applies both to incoming and outgoing traffic.

First of all, we need to prepare timelines, collating adjacent records for matching IP addresses:

# tcpdump -q -e -n -r outbound_only.pcap '(port 53) or ((tcp[2] == 1)and(tcp[3] == 0xBB)) or ((tcp[2] == 0)and(tcp[3] == 80))' | \
    grep -Eio 'IPv4, length [0-9]+: ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+ > ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+' | \
    sed -E -e 's|IPv4, length ([0-9]+): ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+ > (([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+|OUT \3 \1|g' | \
    grep -vF '' | \
    awk 'BEGIN{a="";c=0;}{if(a!=$2){if(a!=""){printf("OUT %s %d\n",a,c);};a=$2;c=$3;}else{c=c+$3;}}END{if(a!=""){printf("OUT %s %d\n",a,c)}}' > \
# tcpdump -q -e -n -r inbound_only.pcap '(port 53) or ((tcp[0] == 1)and(tcp[1] == 0xBB)) or ((tcp[0] == 0)and(tcp[1] == 80))' | \
  grep -Eio 'IPv4, length [0-9]+: ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+ > ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+' | \
    sed -E -e 's|IPv4, length ([0-9]+): (([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+ > ([0-9]+\.){4}[0-9]+|IN \2 \1|g' | \
    grep -vF '' | \
    awk 'BEGIN{a="";c=0;}{if(a!=$2){if(a!=""){printf("IN %s %d\n",a,c);};a=$2;c=$3;}else{c=c+$3;}}END{if(a!=""){printf("IN %s %d\n",a,c)}}' > \

Timelines will look like this (IN or OUT, IP address, and byte count):

IN 461 
IN 66
OUT 397
OUT 66

Windows 10 telemetry traffic breakdown reports by AS number can be generated in such way:

# cat ip2as.txt traffic_outbound.txt | \
    awk '{if($1=="IP2AS"){ip2as[$2]=$3};if($1=="OUT"){as=ip2as[$2];if(as!=""){printf("%s %s %d\n",$1,as,$3)}}}' | \
    sort | awk 'BEGIN{a="";c=0;}{if(a!=$2){if(a!=""){printf("OUT %s %d\n",a,c);};a=$2;c=$3;}else{c=c+$3;}}END{if(a!=""){printf("OUT %s %d\n",a,c)}}' | \
    awk '{printf("%12d %s\n",$3,$2);}' | sort -r > top_as_out.txt
# cat ip2as.txt traffic_inbound.txt | \
    awk '{if($1=="IP2AS"){ip2as[$2]=$3};if($1=="IN"){as=ip2as[$2];if(as!=""){printf("%s %s %d\n",$1,as,$3)}}}' | \
    sort | awk 'BEGIN{a="";c=0;}{if(a!=$2){if(a!=""){printf("IN %s %d\n",a,c);};a=$2;c=$3;}else{c=c+$3;}}END{if(a!=""){printf("IN %s %d\n",a,c)}}' | \
    awk '{printf("%12d %s\n",$3,$2);}' | sort -r > top_as_in.txt